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filled with memories
" Through those sad times
you held my hands till the end of the world. "
Saturday, June 14, 2014 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Archives gone and I too, will be gone from here after this post.
I've moved to a new blog: hermaimah.blogspot.sg
See you there!


Suddenly missing black coffee
Saturday, February 22, 2014 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Hey. I've been leaving this blog for quite a while but here's a short post - to clarify myself.

I never believed in that palm reading. I did some research after blogging it out and i shouldn't be believing in it. I should put more of my faith in Allah and i know no matter how much i always deviate from Him, He's always there when i'm down and when i really really need/want something. He has been there all the while. It's only that we, humans when we have problems we tend to really be bogged down by it and question Him why must He give us this problem.

I've had some big problems in the past couple of months. I got really bothered by something that it really occupied the whole entire brain of mine and the only time i could release it was when i hang out with my colleagues. I couldn't even study for goodness sake and exams is just around the corner. Heck, the first paper is on Tuesday. I had the worst of the worst roller coaster of emotions and i just needed to get out of my house if i really want to focus on school. And i only got the idea earlier this week where exams was already one week away.

Anyways, i'm glad to say that despite not getting what i really wanted on Friday, i got what i really actually needed when the opposite of what i wanted happened. I couldn't thank Him enough. Fridays are blissful and next Friday is my birthday. Ahah.


Sunday, October 27, 2013 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Saddest word of the day today: Cerai. 

My week this week wasn't that good. Not fantastic at all. I've had thoughts.... many thoughts. From thoughts about school, work to thoughts about my own well-being, my life, my love life. Not that I have a boyfriend even. 

Beginning of this week, I was already feeling damned because I have a lot of catching up to do what with the assignment that I have to do for school which is hard. I was just bothered about school coz I just want to get a good degree and get the SQP cert. I was bothered that I have to work hard to get 60 and above for all my modules this year and next year so as not to cause inconvenience to myself to get the SQP. I just want to do well but my drive for money seems to be stronger than school that I feel so stressed over which to chase after. And when I didn't complete and didn't hand in my assignment, I feel like the worst loser ever. And when I half complete and only roughly understand my 2 other modules, it adds on to the terrible feeling. I feel like I didn't work as hard as I did last year and that disappoints me so much, I am my own failure. 

And there are thoughts about my life, my future life. I've been dying to meet someone, I've been dying to learn the reason behind me and his considerably "frequent" bumps into each other. And then it leads me to thinking how I'm gonna lead my family in the future, how my family life is going to be. Thoughts of love are always intriguing but none seems to be interested in pursuing me. And then maybe, I dream too much. 

Come to the later part of the week, there's some levels of negativity that I have to handle. Both from others and myself. Maybe sometimes one can't stay in a certain environment especially in that line for too long. I become demotivated and demoralised. My mood died. I died. And today i really just died. 

And then there's this thing about palm reading. I haven't researched about it yet but I've heard of these things about the lines on your palms being jointed and disjointed. Jointed being happily married with your spouse and disjointed being the opposite. The best or frankly, the worst part? Both of the lines on both of my hands are disjointed. I've had some plans and dreams, and judging through them again, I'm quite a control freak. And I don't like it all and it occupied me secretively the whole day. I have some personalities I hate about myself. I hate that sometimes I can't handle people's cemuhan or scolding me. People might think I'm weak and I hate that. I'm not weak, I've been hurt a gazillion times by others and everytime I cried it out or I keep it all in and then I cried terribly at the end, only thing is that I'm in self-denial. I hate the thoughts of separation or divorce. I don't wanna be like my parents. It hurts for the kids. We don't know what we could become with the strength and presence of both of our parents while we're growing up. But then again, we could have turned out worse, I could have turned out worse. Whoever the hell create this palm readings are really causing a fluctuation in my emotions. 


I'm only 22 guys..
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

When I grow up, I just want to be a stay-at-home mum. Have you heard of that before?

Lately I've been thinking of where I really really want to head to. I have gone through PSLE and did well for it, gone through 'O' level and did well for it too surprisingly and gone through 'A' level. Though I miserably didn't do well for my 'A' levels except for a subject or two, I managed to get into a university! Even though it's not a local uni,  it's still something. (It's University of London! That's spectacular!) In about 2 years from now, I will get to know what class of degree I got and as expected from the society, I will be paving my way up the corporate ladder and earn big bucks. Not just as expected from the society, but as what I thought it would be when i applied for my course. I thought you know, I thought.

Call me crazy but I just want to stay at home when I have kids one day. But then again, that's provided if my husband is earning enough. So provided that he earns enough, I want I want I want to be a stay-at-home mum. I don't know if this is somehow related to my past experience aka childhood or not, but I want to raise good kids who are other than the normal obedient, well-behaved, not naughty characteristics parents would normally want of their children, I want my kids to be family-oriented, good time managers and be useful to the society. In other words, I just want a happy family. I want to sit down and have dinner together, listen to each other, able to talk things out with each other without throwing fireballs like how I'm used to - throwing fireballs. I want to be everything that my family is not now.  And that doesn't mean I don't appreciate my family now, it's just that some things, we can't do together. Lol. Every family has their own ups and downs and I'm learning to cope with that without putting them aside.

The point is just that I want to create my own happy family. I want to create that feeling of togetherness and I want each of us in the family to know that we can highly rely on each other when we have problems and not to resort to outside sources when faced with a problem. So going back to my degree and having a job, and especially if I become an accountant with the accounting degree that I have, how much time and effort can I put in family building? Once my father told me that doesn't mean I have a degree I will get a job related to that degree and in this case, I'm telling you that I don't want to do anything with my degree! Ok correction. I will be doing something with my degree for as long as I'm single and not married. Some will argue that I will have time for family building even if I work. But that's only if I have a maid right? Guess what? I want to cook for my family. Maybe I just really really want to be a full-time mum when the time comes and of course with the right man who understands.

So anyways, the new academic term has started this week. School will officially start for me tomorrow.  It's Wednesday today guys. Haha. 2-days school week. I will only be in school on Thursdays and Fridays. Despite my stay-at-home mum thoughts, let's make it a good term again yeah! Fyi, I passed all my 5 modules for the previous term. 4 of it scoring 50 and above and only 1 module a bit tercorot but still a pass. Almost teared up when I saw my results haha. Good job to me. Here's to another term in school, CHEERS!


4 years
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Everything happens for a reason, all things happen for a reason. And sometimes we don't expect the things we ask for to be fulfilled that fast. Four years four years four years.

It has been a great four years. I've learnt a lot being by myself, learning about myself and then spending some leisure time out with my brother. There are some times i feel so lonely but i appreciate having all those lonely times. At least now i know myself so much that i know what kind of reaction to expect from myself when some things bad or somewhat happen.

Now just comes the moment of whether i'm prepared or not. Am i prepared to share my life, hop on the bandwagon and leave the single sometimes lonely life forever? Sometimes the thought of it scares the shit out of me because we all heard a lot of stories. I don't want to screw my next relationship with anyone. I just want to have a happy relationship and an understanding one too. Not to forget a loving one also. 

What are the odds? 


Thursday, July 25, 2013 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

You know, I can't blog with music in my ears. My thought flows get distracted. Anyways, about slightly more than 2 months has passed since the exams. I have mixed feelings. I feel so eager to begin the new academic year yet I feel so scared looking at the weightage of my remaining modules. And of course, I feel anxious for my results.  Well, just hoping for the best.

Honestly, I am disappointed that I didn't performed well for my first year and I regretted that I got off track whatever the reasons may be. The blessing about this off track is I was given the chance to amend two of my heavier or may I say heaviest modules for first year. To make it right and having the chance to strengthen this two important foundations that I've never had any learnings in secondary school or JC even. I hope it turns out very well, I really hope they do.

Well besides my academic wellness, I feel better for the holidays this time round.  I didn't waste my time waiting for things to happen and just let it be. And that is exactly when things happen and I got what I want though now it's quite in a hanging-on-a-cliff kind of situation. Lol. I feel thankful for everything and I just took everything as it is. Sometimes we need to see how bad another situation could be to be greatful and appreciative of what we have and where we are in life right now.

I have to make decisions in the coming months ahead. I hope that whatever I dread will not become a reality because if it does, the decisions I will be making will be tougher. Tougher in a way that I can't see where it is heading, what will the ending be like and what will happen when that period of time comes.

Lately too, my heart has felt so sayu, sad like I'm longing for something. Hmm. Anyway, I have to go. Goodnight.


Over not just because it's over.
Sunday, May 19, 2013 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Hi, perhaps I've left you for too long but the good news is, exams are over. If there's anything that's much better than everything is that big relief or long-awaited big blow of breath that you're dying to let out for 8 months being released not because you finally get the exams done and over with, but because all that effort you've put in for the past 8 months are finally paid off that you don't even have to worry about poor results. But then again, touch wood,  anything could happen maybe due to a slight glitch, but I definitely do not want the other side of 'anything' to happen. 

All in all, I feel I've given it my best shot. All I can do is hope for the best. While some of my friends are still in the exam period, I give them my best wishes. 

Note to self:
Susah senang, masing-masing ada tersendiri. Senang bagi dirimu, mungkin susah bagi seseorang yang lain. Susah bagi dirimu, mungkin senang bagi yang lain. Yang penting, usaha dan jangan bangga diri.


Friday, February 15, 2013 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

I'm always fighting. As we all know. Or at least as I'd known all along. Fighting fighting fighting, fighting with myself. Quite a pile had happened ever since I left you exactly 2 months ago. One of it being HAPPY NEW YEAR! That's including the Lunar New Year. Lol.

Anyway, I feel really disappointed at times. Over things that doesn't concern me. And over and over again, I had to remind myself not to make their problem be my problem, not to let their attitude take a toll on myself and just stay true to what I really want. But it's hard if you're stuck in the same situation almost everyday. On days that I feel really foul, I get really foul even with my language. Today's a good day then I guess. I have to come to terms with myself. Exams are coming I have to focus. Even if it's prelims and it's optional, I'm gonna try.

Sometimes we can't see some people everyday. And that sucks. And by this, I mean both in a positive and negative way. Negative being this people is not letting you grow, not letting you become a better person in each passing day and positive being you miss this people too much but each of us have too much on our schedule to find time to meet. But then again, if someone really loves you, they won't look at their schedule when you need them right? But that's just a quote. We HAVE to look at our schedule. Haha.

To be frank, my momentum is not here today. I meant to really reflect on my anger and my disappointment and all the fights with myself. But it's always good not to say something that is not nice. So, yeah second year syllabus is ending next week. Prelim exams and after that revision classes by the local lecturers as well as the London lecturers. Come September it's final year God willing. And then it's a career! And then kahwin?! Kahwin=married. Ehem. Right that's all for today thugs.


Dance, anyone?
Saturday, December 15, 2012 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Hi. I'm an ancient enthusiast. Why? Because blogging is sort of ancient. Why? Because looking at the frequency of me blogging, it seems like this is of no interest to me anymore.

But that's false. I'd love to write something. It's just a matter of time and substance.

You know when you want to be better and there will always be obstacles along the way? Somehow this question makes me feel better. I was about to rant on some things that annoy me and then i realise that it annoys me because i want to get better. And this annoying thing(s) are blocking my way.

Sometimes i hate the thoughts filling up my head. Of course i have a stand and a common sense there, but sometimes i'm afraid i might go overboard in my thoughts. Like thinking that this person hasn't gone through all this so what does he/she knows? I'm just scared i will be besar kepala.

Maybe i hate that i don't have someone as eager as me to achieve the same goal. I'm not settling for anything less than best. And the other just wants to get by.

I'm not a big fan of waiting also. And i hate whiny people and people who start the day with a sigh. But who knows? I might have those traits too. I feel disappointed that's all.

Can we just dance? And forget the world

Maybe i'm the kind of person who people see as someone they can break their promises with easily because i don't complain. That much. But i'm mad, disappointed, frustrated. It's all pent-up. And pent-up things are no no good.

Everyday i hope to be a better person. I hope to have plenty of patience. And i hope to be the best that i can be. And i hope no one reads this. Lol.

From yours truly
who's in a paragraph-y mood

It's been Sucky.
Friday, July 27, 2012 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Hey! It's July. I thought i missed a few months. Lol. I know no one reads this blog but it's okay.

I've been fighting with myself lately. And as much as i try to tell myself that i'm not in any way deeply affected  by my performance at the 'there' last week, I think about it quite a lot actually. I'm very disappointed with myself of course because i didn't put my best even though i knew that even if i get it, i won't like it. I feel like a total bum, a total gundu. I've wasted 2.5 months in search of something 'better'. And I'm a bit phobic right now. Wanted to try the other thing but MY, my self-esteem is so low.

I'm just tired. Tired of chasing, tired of being angry. Two years already and you still can't afford to - I shall not pick up my anger. Don't take my soft-heartedness for granted. You need it and so do i. And i never got around to asking. Because my fed-upness overrules that i don't even wanna talk to you. You always disappoint people and you never fail at it. We all come to a conclusion that you treat us like wimps. You picked us because we can do nothing, because you are overpowering. That disgust me.

It's been sucky this all. Moods are swinging out high into the air. May Allah give me and all of us the patience to overcome all the obstacles in life. And give us the strength and confidence that we can do anything that is favourable to Him.


The Strength Within
Saturday, June 2, 2012 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

I'm a bit tired but I'm gonna spare some time for this.

Sometimes we all need a little scolding to do things well, to maximise our capability. Ever had your day ruined, your emotions all messed up just because of a small reprimand?

Today was one of those days. Had to admit that I was always wondering what was I doing. Doing it right, or not. How come everything's picture perfect yet there's many things to decipher from that?

A smile so wide yet a crushing heart. I wonder how others do it. The strength within. It's really not easy after all. Reading all those quotes about smiling but deep down inside it's hurt and sorts.. Nothing beats experiencing it yourself. Putting up a strong front when you just want to crumble and fall.. All the blood sucked out of the heart leaving your heart shrink dry. And you want to just let those tears fall but that "Great Wall of China" can't be broken down. No one is allowed inside its vulnerable self.

And then there's this one person who almost everyday post positive vibes on a social network regardless if it's a good or a bad day. Seeking the positive light out of every dark day. That's even stronger than lamenting after putting up the strong front.

I'm weak. My heart is too vulnerable. But if you focus too much on your weakness, you will never be successful. Focus on the strength! That way can achieve more! But it's always easier said than done! Easier read and understood but always harder to get it done!

And then maybe, we just need a new environment.


Monday, May 7, 2012 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

So I'm in the midst of exams. Confident? Well not really. I feel like I haven't done enough to help myself and to leave everything to Him, I thought it's not fair.

Since the beginning, I promised myself to do well, to not let the JC experience repeat again. But it seems that I've thrown myself into it again. I feel devastated, disappointed with myself. Maybe it started with the subject I hate, halfway through realising that I'm pretty much screwed that nothing went into my head for this subject. So I became unmotivated. And everything sort of followed suit. And fun was beckoning me to come over. Movies, games and movies again..

I can't seem to get myself rooted to the ground. 2 weeks before prelims and I was still working, craving for money. 2 weeks before the big exams and though I was not working, I was pretty much feeling restless and still wanna have some fun. No panic.

Then come the exams. There's this one subject I mugged hard because it's the toughest subject. Even an A grader can get a wimpy 70. What about me? I did all I can. And I can't finish the paper too btw. The second paper I didn't study as hard. Spent quite a lot of time on it too since I alternate this 2 subjects for a week. I didn't study as hard as in 1 day before the paper.

On the 8th n 9th, that should be the next 2 days, God knows what would happen to me.

I keep askin myself 'What if I fail, what if I fail, what if I fail?'. I spent so much on this. Money and effort. If i let this go, I won't wanna come begging again. But what would happen to me? Just surviving around with a very bad 'A' level cert??

I feel sad, devastated!! I just don't know what to do. I want this yet there's this small thing that's telling me it's gonna be temporary!

I'm just mad at myself for not trying extra harder, for succumbing to leisure and entertainment, for being a fuxking BUM!


Cause after all, nothing's indestructible.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

I don't feel like eating. My appetite has gone down to the drain. And maybe my netbook is a bit too far away. *shift it nearer* LOL.

You know how whenever you write, you write it for someone? Even in the exam, the essays, you write for the markers. You know they're reading so you don't let your wit out and for hell's sake, that wit may get you some extra marks. It happens all the time. You will write it for someone.

You know how whenever you're angry? Mad and disappointed? The person you put all your trust into? Who would have thought right? And you're stuck between letting it go and wanting it back. Letting it go. Imagine. All those hard work.

You know how sometimes you have to leave the things you love the most? Because they're not serving any good to you anymore? Could be anything. Even something you say you would never leave till death breaks you and the other apart.

You know how when success is just a step away but you decided to let go? No i'm not gonna let go yet. I'm gonna finish what i started.

You know, i miss having you around. Really i do. And i know you do too.
But you have to fix this.


Talking nonsense
Sunday, March 11, 2012 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

I was reading my previous posts as per usual.. Seeking for posts that might be undesirable for view as of recent dates.. The ones in 2008 and before I don't really care la.. I'm just so immature. What matters is now cuz it's the Internet! There I go talking rubbish again.

Anyways, Happy 2012! Haha. How has the year been? Loads of procrastination crisis. AND a lot of thinking. Decision making y'know. I'm here but I want to be there. I'm here but I don't think this is what I should do anymore. Serious. Do you think you know what I'm talking about? I hope you don't.

Anyway, about reading my blog. I thought it's a good read. Heheh! I love my language and my manners now and my etiquette online. Not like the screwed teen anymore with disastrous tantrums. I just feel like wow this person is so peaceful. As in controlled. I was controlling myself so it doesn't make sense if it's not controlled. Whatever the hell am I talking.

Did I tell you I got a new job? Yes I got a new job. The one on an island. You know what? I might be eating breakfast tomorrow so I need to tuck in. And I didn't study today too. *kick butt* *slap face* *cubit pipi*

Will talk to you more properly another time. I'm so sorry but goodbye.


My 2011!
Saturday, December 31, 2011 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Everyone's reflecting on 2011. On Facebook. So i thought i want to do so also though i doubt the life-changing reflection everyone expects.

I think for the whole of 2011, i was just fretting over time moving so fast. And indeed, time did move so fast (because i was fretting over it?). From full-timing at BBQ Chicken and then part-timing... After that i was in school and i quit part-timing at BBQ Chicken and now i've got myself a new job at year end though i'm kind of waiting for another job.

BBQ Chicken was a bittersweet memory. If there's one place that teach me a lot about people, that teach me what school cannot teach me, this place was it. Yeah i'm dealing with customers but that's just one aspect of people which is quite wide. Another aspect is the colleagues. And we go hmmmm... Shall not talk about it but i've become ever ready for anything and any kind of people i might be thrown with.

Sometimes we start at square 1. And then we found out people have different motives. So sometimes we must learn to read between the lines, read behind the meanings. That's square 2. And then we go into a new environment where we meet sincere and nice people. Sometimes innocent. That puts us back to square 1. Ok fine maybe i got a learning point this year. I learned to switch between square 1 and square 2. But new people, always start with square 2. Haha. Now that's regarding to work la.

School was a blessing. School is always a blessing. Friends made at school are always the best. And the higher up i go in my education level, the better are the people i get to know. I feel thoroughly blessed for this. Start with nasty people and always being bullied to getting less bullied, flunk school a bit here and there and here i am in SIM trying to get my feet grounded. DISCIPLINE! First time funding my own school fees, it felt one of a kind. Most of the things i do this year i couldn't believe myself. Being very reserved and all..this - whatever this is that i do is a whole new world. I feel proud of my determination.

Yes. I feel proud of my determination. That's my 2011!
We have about 21 mins to go to 2012. So an advance



You And I
Thursday, November 24, 2011 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

If only my motivation to study is as strong as my motivation to oust the existing mayor in Foursquare. Struggling much? Well maybe you can say so.

I've been dealing with a couple of upsets lately and quite a lump of anxiety filling up my head everyday. And not to forget some people who have to make it worse. But that was last week but it sticks. Screw that person seriously. I just try and stay away whenever and wherever i can. He's so annoying and i can't believe a person of his age can still have that kind of immature mindset. Ok i shall stop talking about this. It's just bringing me down.

Actually i was thinking whether i should carry on with this blog. But then, I went blog-hopping and what wonderful blogs i see. Such happy people in this world and family-oriented. I adore it very much. It's like so cute. I would love to let out a bit once in a while but then there's that sense of insecurity. Ok fine my shoutmix box freaked me out a bit. It's harmless but i tend to dismiss the fact that my blog is world wide view. You know what i mean? This whole paragraph?

The woes of a teenager.. Or should i say a young adult? I should start writing to my diary daily again. But you know what's up with this things.. You're just talking to yourself. If someone could read and listen to you then well it could lift a bit of a burden but then again some information are just top secret and no one should know. So that's where the blog comes?

I've been beating around the bush. I don't know what i wanna say. It seems that what's in my head don't go along with whatever i'm typing. My brain is whurring way too fast and my fingers definitely can't catch up. Ok ya. That's all. Till next time!


I hate blogging about school. But I just did.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Hey. It's been a while since I blogged. And I only got to blog now because I'm testing out this new blogger app that I just bought free in the App Store. It's cool like what the reviewers said. Quite satisfactory for a new app. Cause usually for a new app to become good, they usually take about a lot of reviews after reviews after reviews and updates updates updates THEN they become good. I can view my blog within this app too. :D

Anyways, school has been 3 weeks. This week is the 4th week. I'm still having troubles making friends. Everybody else seems to have their own friends. Do I look that scary or intimidating? Why are people not talking to each other? WHY am I not talking to people?! Knn myself.

Apart from that, the courses are okay. I love my subjects and one tip is you really need to be consistent and constant to survive. Like always revise after the lecture. That's very important. Though how much you think you understand, just go through it the second time to let it sink it. I've been neglecting Maths 1 a bit but yesterday, I told myself I have to work on it. And so I opened my Maths file and revised. Anyways, I had some company for Maths lecture yesterday and coincidentally it's one of my worst topics taught in the lecture yesterday. Trigonometry. With a higher attention level and some company to help through 'stuck' parts, it's way easier to go through a class instead of being alone. Being alone is depressing. Very depressing.

Ok that's all for today. I shall do some econs and revise banking and finance for the test on Saturday. So fast test already.


Do It Right
Saturday, August 27, 2011 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Sometimes you wonder whether you had done things right. In fact, i wonder a lot whether i had done a lot of things right or not. Or was i being such a big bossy woman? Was i doing the right things in spite of my bossiness? Was my bossiness for a good cause? So many questions pop in my head.

I never like being bossy. But i have no choice. I was told to do just that and i was being watched. It's for the sake of orderliness. Yeah i did get things orderly with the best that i can give. And yeah i did get that bit of compliments here and there. But not from the experienced. But at least i got some kind of experience. So many things learned and so many types of human characters i come across.

Then there comes the point where i let go of this. I teach whenever i'm required to. They loved me they thanked me. I never like teaching. But i'm good at teaching. Perhaps the best teachers are the ones who dislikes teaching because they're pressured with getting good results and so if it takes a student too long to understand, it is very pressurising. I have no idea whether you get my point here. I could do with teaching but i'm afraid of failing. What a loser.

Anyways, my point here is this. When your superiors do the opposite of what you teach or don't give a damn. I find that very discouraging. And it happens too much. Before, they could push to me everything. Now, i push back. Your turn to teach. You teach they complain, they ask me. I teach and show clearly, they understand, Satisfaction.

But do you get my point?

I just feel discouraged that my superiors are such a disappointment. Like when i teach newbies to do things a certain way and then suddenly the superior came and do it a different way, especially if it's contradicting or thoroughly opposite, or less strict, or like heck care, i feel like a total BUM.

But what the hell, these people doesn't have good intentions anymore.


I'll be boastful today
Monday, August 15, 2011 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Sometimes and sometimes most of the time i feel proud to see and know how far i've come to in my life. All because of a job. Money. People might see me as a money face or money-minded. Well yes money means everything to me and money makes my world go round. Imagine la without money, i doubt anyone of us in this age can survive. And also the cyber world. But that's not my point today.

Money completes me, glorifies me, cherished me! Being a school kid before, donning a school uniform, everything's so tied up. While others could have amazing things like gadgets, handphones, mp3 players, i only have a lousy phone with very limited memory and i listen to the radio with bad connection and sometimes i have to stay stiff at a spot cause once i move the connection will be disrupted. Of course i'm not the only one.

I feel proud that i've come this far, getting a full-time job, earning my own money, all my expenditures spent with my own money and still earning an income now. It's a dream beyond belief since JC. My dreams came true, i'm a happy kid. All the things in my wanted list which used to be long-term goals are now possible, in fact they can be achieved immediately. And now i'm even supporting my own school fees. All that thousands and thousands of dollars are all gonna be my own money. Makes it all the more worthwhile to go to school and do my best since i know that this is not easy getting all the money. I'm a very happy person with regards to this. Life's cool. Hahah.

Talking about school. Yeah after like 1 year and 9 months of no school, i'm finally getting back to school next Monday. In a university. :) But not local. :( But still! It's SIM, taking a degree under the University of London Bsc Accounting and Finance. Cool right makcik mimah ni?! I was always thinking how the hell i was gonna get a place in a local university taking accounting since the requirement is so high but what the hell, SIM was waiting for me at Clementi! :DD

I want to study very hard! Get 1st class honours! Gambatte makcik mimah! GGMU! LOL macam paham GGMU! GGMM la! GGMM!!


Thank YOU!

I Tune You
Sunday, August 7, 2011 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Well i thought i had posted twice this year, but apparently not. Heh. I've been on the com - I mean netbook since 4pm just now AND i had also been syncing my iPod since then. It's a long, frustrating story.

It's been ages since i synced. So today i wanted to sync. So happy happy connect it to my netbook and there's a new software 4.5.3 which i downloaded. Waiting and waiting, did other stuffs. Came back, oh wow it just finished downloading. iPod restarts and by accident, i pressed the Home button and the screen just goes like 'connect to iTunes' when it's already connected. Pissed off, nothing seems to work, i switched off and on my iPod but still the same situation. Except with the option to restore. Oh dammit. And i've been restoring until now. Well actually the restoring played a dirty joke on me. Telling me waiting time is 2 hours, and then 3 and then 4 hours. It did take long for the first half of restoring but the second half was a breeze and that was 8pm. So now left with syncing the stuffs. Now is 10.45pm. 2 and a half hours and it just only pass the halfway mark. Can i just choke myself to death? Ok fine, maybe about 2/3. Do not exaggerate. With that, i guess for another 1/3, it would be about 1hr 15mins. That's 12 midnight. And the apps would all be shuffled again. How i took so much effort to arrange them into categories!

Ok off with that. But maybe a bit more. My netbook is lagging toot time. I don't know whether it might due to the iTunes. But it's sucky. Guess i chose the wrong netbook.

Ok next. Maybe i'll just continue what i wanna say another time. Adios. And ya i haven't changed skin.


I remembered saying to myself how i can't believe that i'm 'working' with you.

Thursday, July 28, 2011 <$BlogItemDateTime $>

Had been intending to update. But never did. Was so-called waiting for the right time where the feeling is really there to blog. You know, cause i always blogged crap. Haha. My spellings are a bit off tonight. But the pronunciation should be okay. Haha paham-paham je la korang! Whether = where the. Something like that. But i'll read and edit before posting so everything should be alright.

Well apparently my blogskin is very unfriendly here on my netbook Google Chrome. So i want to change skin soon. Blogskin.com is being such a pain in the butt with tremendous amounts of skins for wordpress. Skins for blogger i noticed have been the same. Guess it's out-trending. Anyway i hate the lecehness of changing skin.. With the html codes and all. But if i use the template from blogger, i completely do not like it.. What gadgets la.. I actually attempted it on a new blog and don't really like it i guess.

Yup new blog. Why? Cause i thought this blog is messy.


With unpleasant past memories. But memories. That's what's holding me back. I love memories. So maybe i'm deciding to continue on with this blog? Perhaps. Ermm i'll update more another time. What i'm doing now and all. And i hope that by that time, i'll have a new and better blogskin.


All you have to do is be unique.
Do what is comfortable for you.
Don't copy just because their's look better and presentable.
It's about telling them about you.